It's Storm Season! Tree Trimming Tips Homeowners Need To Know
Violent, fast moving storms are a concern for homeowners in most areas of the nation due to their potential to inflict damage on homes and buildings. In addition to structure damage, lightning, high winds, and hail can also cause serious or even fatal damage to nearby trees and bushes.
Homeowners who experience this type of situation may be able to save their storm damaged trees through careful trimming and pruning of the damaged areas. If your home has just experienced the devastation of one of these powerful storms, these timely tree trimming tips may be just what you need to limit the damage and preserve the trees your family treasures.
Be financially realistic when assessing the damage
While storm damage to trees can seem far worse than it actually is when first discovered, it is important to still be realistic in assessing the damage. For example, replacing very young trees may be a more financially realistic decision than attempting to salvage them through ongoing trimming and pruning, especially if there is no sentimental attachment to the damaged tree.
If the tree is fully mature, investing in necessary trimming and pruning to remove damaged areas and reshape the tree can be the more realistic option. This is especially true if the home depends on the shade or shelter the tree provides, or when the tree has sentimental value or provides some sort of benefits to the family, such as nuts or fruit. Remember, however, that when a mature tree incurs significant damage, its appearance may be permanently changed.
Look for key factors that will determine whether the tree can be saved
When assessing damaged trees to determine whether they can be salvaged, homeowners can look for the following clues to help guide their decision. In most cases, if the trunk is intact and undamaged and there are sufficient undamaged branches remaining, the tree may survive and recover.
However, if the tree's trunk is split or damaged or large areas of bark have been stripped away, removing the tree may be the best option. Trunk damage of this sort may not initially kill the tree, but it will likely weaken it and make it much more susceptible to insects and disease.
When trimming a damaged tree, it is also important to make sure that the tree is never over-pruned or topped. Doing so places additional stress on the tree and can cause it to decline in health or die.
Homeowners who are unsure about whether their storm damaged trees can be saved can rely on the advice of a reputable tree trimming services to help them make the best decision. Companies like Houston Tree Service Team can help you.