Tips For Replanting After A Tree Disease

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Understanding Tree Service

After struggling for quite some time to make my yard more beautiful, I finally realized that I needed to make a few changes to the trees. We had some really overgrown trees that looked terrible, so I started focusing on honing them carefully. I started working with an arborist to make things better, and it was really incredible to see how those simple changes opened up my yard. Before I knew it, I was getting a little more sun on my flower garden and the different parts of the yard looked healthier. Check out this website to find out how to improve your outdoor space.


Tips For Replanting After A Tree Disease

20 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If disease has recently destroyed the trees on your property, you may be itching to replace them so you can regain the beautiful shade and greenery that you have lost. Before you replant, though, it's important to take steps to make sure your newly planted young trees don't face the same fate as their predecessors. The following advice can help you keep your new trees free of disease.

#1: Do your research

It helps if you know what exactly killed your previous tree as well as what type of tree was affected. You do not want to plant the same type of tree as the one that died, since any disease pathogens that remain in the soil may easily attack the new, younger and more susceptible tree as well. When researching replacement trees, choose a variety that is a completely different plant family than the one that died, when possible. For example, if your old tree was a conifer that died from needle blight, avoid planting any spruce or pine trees as replacements, instead opt for a deciduous or broadleaf tree variety. If you are unsure, talk to a tree service to find out the common diseases in your area and which trees are the most immune to these problems.

#2: Prep the site

If possible, you don't want to replant right into the old planting site, since disease pathogens may still be in the soil. If you must plant in the same site, then do your best to sterilize the soil first. First, have the tree service completely remove the old stump as opposed to simply grinding it down. Then, sterilize the soil. You can do this by removing as much soil from the old planting site as possible, and then replace it with new. You can also cover the site with a clear plastic tarp and leave it in place during a period of high temperatures to "cook off" any remaining pathogens. This works best if the disease was fungal in nature.

#3: Practice pruning hygiene

Finally, be extra mindful of pruning practices on your new trees. Young trees should be pruned in late winter when new growth is just beginning. This ensures that the tree is in an active growth face so it can quickly heal any wounds so pathogens don't get into the wood. Also, many disease pathogens aren't fully active until the weather warms. Your tree trimming service should also make sure that the tools they use are sanitized after each tree is pruned. This way, disease organisms won't inadvertently be transported between trees. Schedule trims annually, as well, so trees do not become overgrown and branches of neighboring trees do not touch. This will further cut down on the spread of disease pathogens.

With planning before replacement, as well as proper care after, you can minimize the chances of disease rearing its ugly head in your yard again. For more help, contact a company like We Do Trees, LLC.